"This is the real thing--meticulously documented and full of the little details that really matter.”

- Lisa Margonelli, author of Oil on the Brain.

A World of Culture, Oil and Golf

A worldwide adventure; from the Texas oil patch, around the world and back!  Twists & turns on the world’s roads to oil and golf ….

  • World cultures; people and places tourists do not typically see
  • Oil business risk and wildcat wells
  • Rebels, jungle, desert and offshore
  • Golf in strange places; even if your caddy speaks no English

David Allard presents interesting stories from far flung parts of the world in his book “A World of Culture Oil and Golf”. He compiled journals during a variety of assignments, business trips and overseas postings while working in more than 20 different countries. His observations of how the international oil business works in different cultures, the above ground and below ground risks in various countries, are the basis for this book.

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Inspiration for the book

My first international business trip occurred in 1988, during my 8th year in the petroleum business. Prior to that, I had a variety of domestic assignments as a young professional in the business and learning’s from those early days served me well in the foray into international work. During my first international trip, I decided to start keeping a journal as I expected many unusual things might happen along the way. Over the years I compiled 14 journals from a variety of assignments, business trips and postings overseas. The book was written based on the journal contents, in order to share cultural and business stories and observations.

CO Public TV 12 Interview

Places in the World the Author has Worked or Visited