About David Allard

Author, Geologist, Musician, Golf Nut, Cancer Fighter

David Allard worked for over 35 years as a petroleum geologist and from 1988 to 2006 worked internationally in more than 20 countries, including living with his family in Egypt and Scotland. Allard has had a varied career as a petroleum geologist, playing a part in many new field discoveries, publications, and public presentations. He recently published a nonfiction book: “A World of Culture Oil and Golf” that covers a 20 year period of international and domestic USA business and historical aspects from the perspective of a staff geologist and in the latter half of his career in leadership roles. Beginning in 2017, book marketing efforts include speaking events as an expert in petroleum geology and international experiences. He currently lives in Texas and still loves golf.

Quotes of Note

  • Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.
    – Warren Buffett

  • Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
    – Vince Lombardi

  • Life is a competition, to do nothing or everything; do it well.
    – David Allard

  • Well my old friend, I now have a better idea of my years remaining to live than you; but don’t dwell on it.
    – David Allard, Cancer Fighter

  • Allard, you know but you don’t know.
    – my Jr High School football coach

  • Bliss is human nature.
    – David Lynch



How long have you been writing?
I have written various technical articles through my 35 year career, but writing this book in various versions (from raw journals publication in 2012 to the recent commercial effort) took about 4 years..

What motivated you to write this book?
I feel lucky to see so many places and have the variety of business experiences and I want to share this pro oil and gas business description / inside look. The key aspects of my book that I want to share: A) how the international oil business works and B) various “you were there” cultural observations including political change and government stability issues in the host countries where we were exploring. For example, the fall of Communist Russia, turning Hong Kong back to China, rebel encounters with the government etc.

Who and/or what inspire you most?
I am most impressed with people that make a difference in the world; as well as accomplished artists and pro athletes. As far as writing about the oil industry: people that published insightful books Daniel Yergin, author of the Prize, Michel Thomas Halbouty the great wildcatter, Thomas Petrie’s Following Oil and Lisa Margonelli, author of Oil on the Brain, to name a few.

Why do you write?
I enjoy telling the story that others may be interested in. I was compelled to get my world of oil story out because I was lucky enough have seen so much. The oil business is of interest to many others these days being a political issue – globally;  and I want to tell a positive oil story of exploration and value creation.

How did you feel when you finished writing this book? 
Like a completed life mission

Do you hope to inspire other writers? What advice would you give for people thinking about writing a book?
Take time to write down your story, share it with others and grow from the feedback

What do you do for a living? What is your day job or is writing your day job?
I retired in 2017 from my last job a petroleum geologist; working for an independent oil company as Chief Geologist. Writing is now my day job.

What obstacles have you overcome to write this book?
To make the details of business travel and international exploration into a story of interest, a book format worth reading – that others value is the challenge.

Did you draw on life experience to write this book? If so, can you share that experience in brief?
While growing up, we moved a couple times as a family and we traveled a fair bit across North America, but the sights and sounds over those years paled in comparison to what I would see in the business world. I selected geology as a career and was lucky to find myself in such a dynamic industry that allowed for amazing international cultural experiences and business opportunities. The point of this book is to share stories and information with the reader about places I have seen, observations of different cultures and customs and business notes of interest, including the international oil business.

The international oil business is an expensive, risky, and fascinating business, which involves many years of effort to find and develop new reserves. I think there are a lot of people out there who are interested and want to understand more about this business and our world.

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?
This is a tale worth telling. Wherever you may go; may all your life’s roads be beautiful.  May this book inspire you to travel your own path in life; a life filled with awe and wonder.